To Enroll in a Course:

  1. You will be presented with a series of questions or options to enable you to enroll in the Learner Group appropriate to your interests or your role in Human Subject Research / Lab-Animal Welfare or other curriculum as decided by your institution.

  2. Your institution has prescribed your course curriculum. Your role in research does not affect your curriculum choices. The course(s) you are enrolled in depends only on your answers to the "Select Curriculum" questions.

  3. The next page is the Main Menu. This page lists the courses you have chosen. The Main Menu also provides a number of Learner Tools designed to help you.

    • The Add a Course or Update Learner Groups link allows you to go to the enrollment questions and change your "Learner Group" by providing new responses to the enrollment questions.

    • The View Previously Completed Coursework link allows you to see your past scores, view expirations, and print completion reports.

    • The Update Institution Profile link allows you to update your institution-specific details, such as your institutional ID or employee number, email, department, role in research, etc.

    • The View Instructions page link brings you back to this page.

    • The Remove Affiliation link allows you to unaffiliate with an institution if you are no longer required to be certified under them and wish to no longer receive email notifications regarding courses under the institution. Please be aware that you will not have access to previous scores or completion reports obtained under the institution unless you remain affiliated.

    • You may affiliate with another institution. The software will sum the requirements of both institutions so that you need not retake modules common to the requirements of both institutions.

  4. Click the Title of the Course to begin or continue the course.

  5. Please Complete the Integrity Assurance Statement presented at the top after clicking a course title. The system will allow you to start taking the course modules after completing it.

  6. Complete the Required modules and associated quizzes.

  7. Complete the required number of Elective modules and associated quizzes

  8. When you complete all Required Modules in your curriculum and any necessary Elective Modules, you will be shown a list of Optional Modules. You may return to the course site at a future time to review these modules.
    Please be aware that Optional Modules do not count towards nor appear on a completion report.

  9. When you complete all required modules successfully, you may print your completion report through the link:
    Print Report from your Main Menu or your Previously Completed Coursework page.

The Basic Course for Humans Subjects Research and the LabAnimal Welfare Core Courses will require 4-6 hours to complete depending on the curriculum prescribed by your organization. You are encouraged to use multiple log on sessions.

To Complete the Course:

  • The minimum "passing" aggregate score for the quizzes has been set by your institution. A running tally is compiled in the Grade Book. If you want to improve a score on a quiz, you may repeat any quiz in which you didn't score 100% correct. Scores obtained after a completion report has been issued will not be reflected on the completion report.

  • Print or download a Completion Report as evidence that you have met your institutional requirements. A copy will be sent automatically to your institutional administrator. You may return to the course site in the future to obtain a copy of the completion report. The My Reports page will allow you to access any completion reports you have earned.

  • Submit a voluntary, anonymous user satisfaction survey.


  • Technical issues should be addressed to or to 888-529-5929.

  • Questions regarding your requirements should be addressed to your IRB training coordinator.